Moustafa Gaafar

Middle East & Africa Manager

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Tanya Bosy

Moldovian Partner

Asmaa Abdelwahab

Personal Assistant for Egyptian Partner

Mohamed Alhashash

Contractors Manager

Mohamed Manage Contractors all over Russia .

Ahmed Maher

Upper Egypt & Sudan Contractor

Ahmed Maher Manages Our Business in upper Egypt & Sudan .

Peter Said

Alexandria Contractor

Russlan Rakhem


Alaa Abas

Mari Region Contractor

Alaa Abas 19 years From Asyut , Egypt Medical Studies Alaa a talented contractor who manage contracts on Mari Region .

Abdel Rahman Abdel Gawad

Mari Region Contractor

Abdel Rahman Abdel Gawad 19 years old El Fayom City , Egypt Medical Studies Abdel Rahman a super talented contractor .

Hani Hamzeh

Lebanon Branch Manager

Hani Manages our business in Lebanon and syria.

Mohamed Mbareck

Mauritania Contractor

Mbareck Manage our Business in Mauritania and he represent us in Stavropol Krai .